Healing Circle

Phoenix Warriors Healing Circle – Women in Colorado Springs

Release, rejuvenate, and renew through monthly healing circles for women near Colorado Springs (all-inclusive – all women, all belief systems).

We embrace various topics, modalities, and approaches each month for our inner work, while creating an empowering community that honors diversity among women and their life experiences.

Our Phoenix Warriors Healing Circle community doesn’t require us to view things in the same way. No matter what your favorite energy or spiritual modalities are, we’re all working toward the same goals—more love and empowerment! <3


Un-Stunt Your Transformation Journey

The problem with healing journeys is while it’s normal to always be healing and growing throughout our entire lives… many times we end up in a perpetual hamster-wheel of healing a specific area that we never actually exit.

Until by some miracle we do…

Our transformation journeys are far too vital for us to leave our progression up to chance without knowing how to consciously and intentionally move forward in alignment for ourselves.

It’s not that we can magically be 100 steps ahead of where we are and have zero issues arriving at the next level of healing and badassery forever. I mean we are technically capable, but we can’t ignore the Law of Gestation, that dictates that we need time and cultivation to get somewhere new.

But it IS that we can be aware of when the healing journey has turned into spiritual bypassing where we feel good but don’t actually process or change, or has just become the new thing to keep us in victim mode, while we feel good the original block is less prevalent.

Join us to explore where our unique, individual efforts have created a rut and stunted our growth, and how to un-stunt our journey and finally arrive at our next mile marker!


  • an area in your transformation journey that is stuck, stunted, in a rut, or you’re resisting movement in
  • the beautiful, moving, energy-generating, open flow you dream of for your transformation journey


(See the rest of the dates for 2024 at the bottom of this page.)

Saturday, February 1, 2025
5:30 – 7:30 pm
(plus dinner afterward)

7-Star Phoenix
3011 N. Prospect St. Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
(big yellow building on Prospect just north of Fillmore)


If you can, plan to go out to eat with us afterward so we can process together and get to know each other better!


If it’s your first time, welcome!

It was everyone’s first time at some point, and as a group of self-proclaimed misfits with our own individual brand of wonderful weirdness, we all want you to feel free to come as you are. <3

Oh, and don’t overthink the “objects to bring” part below – however you interpret this is absolutely fine. Basically, just think about the topic and find something around you that can symbolize an aspect of the topic to anchor the discussion.

This is one of my favorite parts of the evening! It’s so fun to see the variety of different objects and the added layer of our own worlds we bring into this community!

Objects have varied from blades of grass, to crystals, to figurines, comic books, tape measures, cell phones and so much more.


Space is limited, so please register below if you are attending.

We look forward to having you with us in the circle!


Upcoming circles in 2025 dates TBA.

Also, check out our virtual circles for women and men here

Phoenix Warriors on Fire Week! Sat. 1/25 - Sat. 2/1. Learn more & register here!